Saturday, November 15, 2008


Journaling is a great way to get your thoughts, ideas, goals and aspirations down on paper. Whether you're writing about things you want to accomplish with regard to your house or yourself, putting things into writing is a great way to clear out your head and record important items you wish to remember.

Keeping a "home journal" is a fantastic way to prioritize what needs to be done around your home and record how you wish it to look and feel in the future. Record special times that were spent in your home and make sure to include photos. Also, include images from magazines of elements you would like to try to incorporate into your home to inspire you in the future.

I am also a strong proponent of keeping a personal journal. Putting your thoughts and feelings down on paper can give you really great insight into who you are as a person. It is also a great way to celebrate your feelings and vent your frustrations that might weigh on your mind. If you're feeling particularly good, record it as a way of preserving that emotion, and when you're having a rough day, return to your journal for both inspiration and guidance. Also, write down your favorite quotes and memories that may motivate you, inspire you or put a smile on your face.

An important element in Well-Designed Living is taking time to get to know yourself and then creating an environment that nurtures you. Keeping a journal is a great step toward getting in touch with your authentic self.

For more information about Cailen Ascher Design or my upcoming book, Well-Designed Living, visit or email me at

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