Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Family Boot Camp

This summer I've created a "Family Boot Camp" to help my family stay motivated as they embark on a journey toward healthier lifestyles. My aunts, cousins, parents and sister are all on board! We've created a shutterfly website (http://www.familybootcamp.shutterfly.com/) so that we can help one another stay on track.

We have weekly workouts, a healthy lunch date every other week to discuss our progress, and send emails and update the website daily to keep us all moving towards our goals. So far everyone seems to really be enjoying having a network to reach out to when they're in need of some motivation and inspiration.

Having a workout partner (or several for that matter) is a great way to keep you focused. You may not mind skipping out on exercise when you only have to justify it to yourself, but having to explain it to others is sometimes a different story. Letting family and friends know your goals holds you accountable. So, don't be afraid to share your goals and progress - it'll really help to keep you focused and on track!

For more information about Cailen Ascher Design or my upcoming book, Well-Designed Living, visit www.CailenAscher.bravehost.com or email CailenAscher@gmail.com.

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hello there. thank you for your comments - i love reading them.