Sunday, October 3, 2010

barn sale (a.k.a. first weekend with my new camera!)

this past weekend my parents had a barn sale at their house.  it was the perfect weekend for it.  sunny.  cool.  fallish.  han, my sis, made homemade bread, apple pies & crisps and delicious soups.  (some to sell and extra for us to enjoy : )  it was the perfect way to welcome october. 

and, even better, craig surprised me with a new camera on friday!  my digital camera is very old and has been slowly dying, and i was in desperate need of a new one.  then, my mom loaned me hers, but it doesn't auto-focus.  a few blurry shots are ok, artistic even, but it gets old quick.  thanks for the new camera babe...i love it!

hope you enjoyed the picts from my new toy : )  i'm lovin' it.


  1. these shots are amazing....i need a new camera keeps falling and i'm surprised it hasn't stopped working completely:) have a nice week..those dogs look so comfy~

  2. Great pictures!!

    I'd love to attend a barn sale....but I've not seen a lot of cute barns like that in Colorado!

  3. great shots!! So jealous of your new toy =)
    PS the barn sale looks amazing!

  4. Gorgeous pictures, and I wish I could have been at the sale! It looks like it was a good one!

  5. Love the pictures! And your parents' house looks so cute!

  6. Those shots are great! Thanks for the love over on my blog. I hope to stop by more often!

  7. wow! amazing! the colors are great!

  8. Beautiful pictures, and the sale looks incredible!

  9. You are good with the camera and I'm loving the looks of the barn sale. Wish I was able to attend such a sale!


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