Tuesday, November 2, 2010

lovely blogs

so, i am officially a blog award recipient.  a big thank you to rach over at "how fickle is woman" (one of my daily reads).  her blog is great (and so is she), and i'm totally honored that she thought of me with this award!

in order to accept it, i have pass it on to 10 other lovely blogs that i adore.  hmmm....let me think...only ten??  here are my honorees : )

natalie @ miss social

ok, i know this is probably against "lovely blog award" protocol, but i would also like to acknowledge rach's blog.  i always love reading about her (mis)adventures!  (and rach, i won't hold you to the "pass along to 10 others" rule.  don't worry!)

thanks again for the "one lovely blog award" and congrats to all my lovely recipients : )


  1. Congrats on the lovely award, you have a lovely blog and deserve it!

  2. Congrats on the award and thanks SO much for giving it to me as well! I've already received it, but I'll definitely give you a shout out on my blog soon! :D Thanks SO much for thinking of me.

  3. Congrats sweetie on your award:)...So cool
    Kisses my dear

  4. thanks so much for the blog award! i'll be sure to post about it soon. :)

  5. Ooh wow congrats on the blog award :) I received this one from someone and I was so excited/happy x


  6. I looooove Rach's blog and am so glad to have "met" her in this funny little blog world.


hello there. thank you for your comments - i love reading them.