Monday, December 6, 2010

stopping by woods...

credit {here}
winter weather is certainly descending upon us.  there's a chill in the air, frost on the windows and smoke rising from the chimneys.  with the promise of snow, i cannot help but think of one of my favorite winter poems.  it's an oldie but a goodie : )

stopping by woods on a snowy evening

whose woods these are i think i know.
his house is in the village, though;
he will not see me stopping here
to watch his woods fill up with snow.

my little horse must think it queer
to stop without a farmhouse near
between the woods and frozen lake
the darkest evening of the year.

he gives his harness bells a shake
to ask if there is some mistake.
the only other sound's the sweep
of easy wind and downy flake.

the woods are lovely, dark, and deep,
but i have promises to keep,
and miles to go before i sleep,
and miles to go before i sleep.

- robert frost

i hope those lovely lines leave you with a wonderful wintry image in your mind.  happy december!

credit {here}


  1. gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous! I LOVE the snow pictures but I am pretty sure that I couldn't handle living in it =)

  2. Saw your blog on 20SB, and it's very sweet :) And also: this music playing makes me want to curl up in one of those book nooks you just featured. Maybe read some more Robert Frost poems...

    Looking forward to keeping up on your posts!



hello there. thank you for your comments - i love reading them.