Thursday, January 27, 2011

change is a-brewin'

like the new header?!  designed it myself : )
since the start of the new year, i’ve been dreaming up (and getting ready to put into action) some exciting changes for my blog (and my life).  but before we delve into those…full disclosure – my ultimate goal is to make a full time living from my blog.  i love, more than anything, to share my lifestyle ideas and recommendations, and i’ve finally come to realize (or maybe, finally come to accept) it’s my true calling.  it keeps me up at night thinking.  makes my stomach leap with excitement.  has me jotting notes and ideas down non-stop.  and energizes me in a way that few other things can.  lucky for me, i’ve already begun to build the foundation, and thanks to you, my mini mavens, i’ve received invaluable support and feedback.

picture credit {here}
so, what catalyst has me so gung-ho to pursue my dreams and live my passion? i read a fantastic book in early january called crush it! by gary vaynerchuk.  it’s all about building your brand with social media, and it got my wheels turning…full force.  i started thinking about all the potential ways to grow my blog and expand my brand, and i’m psyched.  for the first time in my life, i feel totally on track, inspired, focused and ready.  like everything’s been leading up to this point.  i’ve been on a precipice, waiting for my parachute, and i’m finally ready to jump.  i realize now, i don’t need a parachute…i’ll grow wings instead.

picture credit {here}
with growth comes change.  good change.  fun change.  and necessary change.  starting february 1st, lifestyle maven, is going to become a fabulous blog/magazine (a blogazine if you will) replete with essential, motivational and entertaining lifestyle advice and information.  at the beginning of each month, i’ll provide a teaser of what’s in store – so you know what to look forward to. monthly features will include menu of the month full of delicious recipes, party ideas and date night suggestions, healthy living advice & fitness info, expert interviews to get the latest lifestyle tips & trends, wine of month, blog/blogger of note, photo of the month and much, much more!  in addition to these monthly features, there will be tons of other special topics that will crop up from time to time such as fashion & style, interior design & décor, travel, wedding planning, giving back, book reviews and giveaways to name a few : )

starting february 1st, lifestyle maven is taking it to a whole new level.  are you excited yet?  i am.  get ready. awesomeness awaits.

credit {here}


  1. best of luck with your new endeavor!

  2. How exciting and inspiring. Does this mean you might go to Eat! Write! Retreat?

  3. Hi Cailen!! I am so very excited for you in your new adventure. I'm excited for me too that we're now connected and I can hear all about it! All of it sounds right up my alley!

    Your words definitely resonate with me here as I think we are both on the same track towards creating a life on our terms and no one else's. Building a foundation is exactly what I've been thinking about and writing about too. It's so important to have a foundation in order to not be toppled over by the many directions we might be pushed. The foundation roots us....the foundation frees us. And yes, it frees us with wings!! Fly fly into the life you want to create and I will too. I'm excited for the journey.

    And I know you read the post where I wrote this, but I think it is so pertinent to your words here: "Living at risk is jumping off the cliff and building wings on the way down." (Ray Bradbury)-- Many people never jump off the cliff or they merely tiptoe to the edge, so I applaud you for taking the leap :0)


  4. Good for you girl! Get it done! Love your new blog header!!

  5. I'm excited to see where your blog goes! Thanks for stopping by :)

  6. That's great! I can't wait to see how you continue to develop your blog!

  7. Thanks for stopping by! Good luck with your new endeavor! :)

  8. Loving the quotes! Especially the part where you don't stop till you get there. Have a beautiful weekend, Kellie xx

  9. Congrats on your decision lady. So exciting!

  10. Very cool! I took the leap to make mosaics full time this year, and it's exciting! I got a great fortune cookie in December, "Your life will be prosperous if you use your creativity"--I hope the same for you!

  11. This sounds amazing and very inspirational. I can't wait to see what's in store. Congrats!

  12. You really have given me motivation and inspiration too! I found you on the lunchbox diaries & I'm so glad I did! I have become obsessed with blogging in every aspect...I think I even dream about it. My wish is for my blog to become my full time job as well! So glad I found a Lifestyle maven to relate to! :)

  13. How exciting and wonderful! I have written down the title of the book you mentioned! Sounds great. And I love that you're going after your dreams... it's what life is all about! :)

  14. You go girl!
    Love your fresh blog- lots of good stuff here!


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