Wednesday, February 9, 2011

a picture's worth 1000 words

my dad is a very talented photographer.  as a new element of lifestyle maven, i will be featuring some of his photography each month : )  his pictures are really awesome, and he's finally starting to get the true recognition he deserves.  so enjoy.  feel free take/borrow/use/share, just please provide a link back if you do.

here are some lovely winter images in honor of all the snow we "enjoyed" this winter.

so, if a picture is truly worth 1000 words...what would you say about these?

loving lifestyle maven
check out the other fabulousness in store this month {here}.


  1. Your dad is soooo good:) I love those photos! Happy day, sweetie

    Ps: I am hosting a beautiful GIVEAWAY today! Hope you’ll join in :)

  2. These are fantastic. The last one is almost couldn't really say when it was taken...except for the photo quality. Lovely.

  3. So beautiful. Makes me dislike all of this snow a little less.

  4. Wow these pictures are gorgeous!! I love the Sunset poking through the trees. Its pretty and reminds me of being a kid playing out late on a school night when the sun starts to go down.

  5. Wow, these pictures are gorgeous! They make winter look so pretty :)

  6. hi there new friend! Thanks for your comment on my blog and for following!!

    LOVE the photos. yay for talented dads.


  7. Truly blogworthy! Your dad is very talented. Thanks for sharing today and in the future.

  8. these images are divine!

    great blog,
    Annina of

  9. Ah! Frickin' love that last picture!

  10. I love these photos! Your dad truly captured the beauty of winter! (Which is sometimes forgotten amidst our distaste for the snow! ha)

    p.s. i'm excited to be a new "mini maven," I love your site! :)


hello there. thank you for your comments - i love reading them.