Thursday, April 28, 2011


one of my favorite magazines is whole living.  they always have such great tips, advice and articles that encourage balanced, healthy living for both the body and the soul.  if you haven't ever picked up a copy, it's worth perusing...
the may 2011 issue had an interesting article about happiness - "it's time to flourish".  the piece said that there are 5 key components that constitute the relative level of happiness in our lives.  interesting.

positive emotion - "happiness's useful core [...] an energizing force that drives us toward the sweeter things in life"

engagement - "when we're truly engrossed in a task that demands our attention, our sense of self recedes and times feels as if it has slowed"

relationships - "our bonds with others are the best antidote to the downs of life"

meaning - "belonging to and serving something that you believe is bigger than the self"

accomplishment - "doing something notable and being acknowledged [...] for others it means setting and achieving purely personal goals"

credit {here}
i never really dissected happiness like it was something logical and scientific.  it often seems more elusive than that...but the above breakdown seems to make sense.  too often, it can feel like our happiness is out of our control.  but, if you think about it keeping in mind the 5 elements, happiness is completely within our control.  we define our happiness - and our lives for that matter - by what we engage in, the people we spend our time with and the meaning we give to it.  it's our creation.  how inspiring.  so, be happy : )

how do you create your happiness?


  1. I love your blog! I've not heard of this magazine (I know!) must look into it. I like the idea of creating our own happiness. I think I create mine by choosing to be friendly, choosing to do things I know lift my spirits (work out; spend time with family/friends; etc.). I also try to avoid things I know bring me down (pessimistic people; sad movies, etc.). Seriously, sad movies can ruin my week! LOL

  2. What a great take on happiness. Those components put to words some of my feelings. Thanks for sharing the article! :)

  3. Thanks for the tip! I will see if I can pick up a copy :)

  4. must buy this magazine! wonderfully inspiring words.

  5. i love that magazine too! :)i am having a giveaway on my blog, that is perfect for spring&summer! a RAD BIKINI by a young Mexican designeer! check it out, you wont be disappointed ♥ i promise!

  6. I just subscribed to Martha Stewart's food mag and I received the Whole Living subscription free with it. Excited to try it out!
    I find that trying to have a positive attitude as much as possible brings happiness in most situations.

  7. What a fantastic inspiration, sweetie and I totally need to get that mag:) Happy Monday, sunshine

  8. Is that Martha Stewart's magazine, which was formally called Body and Soul? If so, I used to have a subscription.

    My happiness comes from God+Family+Friends!



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