Wednesday, June 22, 2011

cloth napkins - simply green

i thought it could be fun to do a theme this week.  simply green.  i totally support "going green" as much as possible.  that said, it's not always easy or convenient to make the eco-friendly choice.  over the next few days, i'll share some simple things i do to embrace being simply fabulous...i mean, simply green : )

cloth napkins.  growing up we always used cloth napkins.  my mom started collecting them when she was in her twenties, and by the time my sister and i came along, there was a whole color-coordinated drawer-full.  at the time, i honestly didn't realize that other people did any differently.

cloth napkins
now, craig and i have begun our own cloth collection.  we 2 sets from the south of france, bought in the city of arles, startched white from our friends as a house-warming gift and an embroidered set with the initial "M" for once i become a mrs. in november.

replacing paper napkins with cloth is a simple, elegant and fun way to go-green, express your style and make dinner feel just a bit more special.  plus, over time it saves a lot of money, too!

tea cloth

be sure to check out my guest post (about paris!) over at
erica's blog, pocket full of chuckles.


  1. Great post. Cloth napkins are an excellent way to be green. I've been using them my entire married life. And like you say, I love a drawer full of beautiful prints and colors.

  2. yes! we use cloth napkins too, we never buy paper towels or paper napkins anymore and i love it ;) xoxo jillian:: cornflake dreams

  3. cloth napkins are beautiful-we have a lot from Portugal. Your right, they are soo green too!

  4. Cloth napkins are such a great idea. I would use them with every meal if I could but sadly I live with 5 guys...
    You should check out Left Lane Surfers blog ( she has a great post about how to easily make your own cloth napkins. I haven't tried it yet; I'm still searching for the right fabric.


  5. we switched to cloth napkins some time in the last couple of years. i bought a bunch of white ones at the thrift stores and an antique store pretty inexpensively. we just toss them into a basket in the laundry room & when we run out, i throw them all in the wash!

  6. I always use cloth napkins, especially when hosting a dinner. Eco friendly and definitely a nice touch people don't expect.

  7. I love the idea of a green theme - we don't usually use napkins at home, but we do have a stash of cloth ones for special occasions.

    Andrea x

  8. love this idea!
    P.S. thanks for the guest post :)


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