Monday, December 19, 2011

om monday: set down your goals

on friday i sat down and worked on my business goals for 2012.  last week i came across a great outline to follow, which gave me a lot of guidance and much-needed clarity.  because, you have to admit, though goal-setting often starts as an uplifting, motivating activity, it can often descend into overwhelming drudgery quite quickly.  so, with the outline as my guide, i set forth to set down in writing my lofty (but not completely ridiculous) biz goals for 2012. 

there's something about putting your aspirations on paper that makes them feel instantly more real & attainable.  and, not only did i set down my goals, which is all well and good, but i also listed step-by-step ways to go about achieving them.  i think that's the step that i often miss.  i love thinking, dreaming and fantasizing about my goals and how wonderful it will be when i reach them, but then i float onward without real direction.  often getting led (slightly) astray.

the new year is just over 2 weeks away.  instead of hurriedly thinking about your goals (i.e. resolutions) on new year's day, take this time to mull it over.  with all the hustle and bustle these next few weeks, take a few quiet moments to contemplate and set down the things that you would most like to achieve this year.  what would bring you true happiness?

and, whether it's a business idea, a health makeover or a new skill you wish to acquire, think about the necessary steps to make it happen.  it will be what you make it.


  1. I like this. I feel like I need to start working on writing what my 2012 Goal Plan is going to be. I have so many things in mind but I haven't written then down yet. Yikes!!

    I have Career Goals. School Goals. Life Goals. It is all twirling around in my head and I can't seem to stop it. I am the type that really sucks at writing Resolutions because I never tend to keep them. So last year I wrote "Stops, Keeps, Starts" and it totally helped...I made it through the year 2011 and checked everything off my list. I think that is what I am going to do this year too! :)

    Good Luck!

    -Ashlee Michelle

  2. a great idea! i love you have such a clear and ambitious vision. very inspiring!


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