Thursday, August 4, 2011

rainy day to-dos

don't know how the weather is where you are, but today is gray and rainy here in the northeast.  unlike many, i've always been a fan of rainy days.  there's something about the gray skies that makes everything feel cozier : )

in case you're under cloud cover too, i've pulled together some rainy day essentials to keep you smiling no matter what the weather's doing.

drink this: nothing is homier than hot tea on a gray day.  my personal favorite is chai.  i love the spiciness of it.  i let my tea steep for a few minutes, then add 1 tsp of sugar in the raw & 1 tbsp half & half.  (much tastier...and healthier...than starbucks' super sugary chai tea latte)

watch this: your favorite movie from when you were younger.  on my list would be father of the bride (with steve martin), only you or an alfred hitchcock flick

eat this: comfort food!  rainy days call for some old-fashioned staples.  like chicken soup, mac & cheese or some kind of yummy baked good.

do this: give yourself a break and indulge a bit.  read a book, take a bath or listen to some soft music.  rainy days are a great time to embrace the quiet and slow down.

rain, rain (don't) go away : )


  1. Yum! I am coming over...chai, muffins and mac n cheese!??? My favorites!

  2. mac and cheese, a definitely rainy day do! and muffins what a perfect combination

  3. Have totally been craving Father of the Bride lately! And goodness that food looks uh-maz-ing!!

  4. I love being able to just relax on a rainy day and Father of the Bride is one of my favorite movies too!

  5. its a beautiful day here but your rainy day indulges sound perfect. : )

  6. i'm all about enjoying the rain with some tea and a good movie!! hope the rain stays a while for you :) we're hot and sunny here in Texas!

  7. ohhh rainy days are just the absolute best. and with mac n cheese!? i JUST wrote on my blog how mac n cheese is my shit! lol so you just pulled at my foodie heart strings lol

  8. I love this post!! I am with you Cailen- I LOVE rainy days! Rainy, autumn days are my absolute favorite :)

    Love your tips! Great idea for the chai tea and baked goods are extra delicious during gray weather :)

    Also- I am in love with Steve Martin. It's semi awkward and inappropriate.

  9. is there anything better than gooey mac n cheese on a gloomy day? maybe some tomato soup on the side ;)

  10. so excited to find your blog (i love) and hear that you're thinking about rendez-vous-ing! :) that mac and cheese looks like something i want in my belly right now. bummer about the rain - here in boston it was 75 and sunny!

    xx sharon/lemonontherocks

  11. wow, this post makes me want to take a little vacation in my apartment and eat mac'n'cheese all day!

    Thanks for stopping by Harve & Polly! looking forward to meeting you if you make it to Boston in September!

  12. That mac and cheese looks amazing. It's rainy and gloomy here at the moment too and I'm really feeling the blues. I should really indulge in one of these to perk up a little!

    Belly B :)

  13. Oh man, a hot tea in August? I don't care how gray the skies are, that's probably not ideal in these temperatures!

  14. If only it was cool and rainy here!

    I have a fun rosette giveaway that ends today--you should enter!


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